Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bubbie and Zaddie Camp (by Hannah)

Bubbie is Yiddish for grandmother and Zaddie is Yiddish for grandfather.  For the past 4 summers, I have been going to Bubbie and Zaddie Camp.  I just go to their house in New Jersey, and spend a month with them.  The first summer we went to Florida for a week and guess who we saw?  The second summer I went to Bubbie's house and then we flew to Orlando to the Harry Potter world of  magic!  The third summer I stayed at Bubbie and Zaddie's house the whole time.  The fourth summer me and Josh went together with Bubbie and Zaddie to Washington DC!  In summer 2013 we will probably go together to the Glaciers (before they melt)!  Or the grand Canyon (it depends)!

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